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Falling Capricorn Page 9

  “W-wait!” she called but it was already too late. He was gone. She grabbed the stuffed animal and stared at it. She was so bewildered that it made her nearly want to cry. How did Eric know what the stuffed animal was named? He couldn’t have known that. The only one who knew that was Joey and herself. Nobody else! Not even Kat. The realization started to dawn on her. His sudden attitude change made sense. It was Joey! It had to be! But why? And How? Was he taking over Eric’s thoughts, or was she just thinking crazy, and Eric himself was also crazy?

  She rushed to look out the window. She saw Eric walking to his car. He looked up, staring directly at Christen as he winked. Christen closed the curtain and placed a hand over her mouth. It couldn’t be, but then what else could explain the private knowledge he now knew of her? What was she to make of all the bizarre behavior? Christen slid down the wall cradling her head in her hands. "WHO ARE YOU?!" she screamed.

  “Where were you?” Roxie questioned as Eric walked into their house. He seemed caught off guard, twisting his head in her direction. He felt groggy and bewildered. He vaguely remembered winding up at Christen's apartment. It was like he was watching himself acting in a movie. He didn't even remember the drive home. He looked at Roxie up and down, as if absorbing the reality of her standing there. She stood before him in shorts and a tank top. She had about given up waiting for Eric to return, but here he was, now.

  “That’s none of your business,” he coldly replied. He wished she would just leave it at that. He really couldn't explain it. Even if he wanted to, he could not; not if he wanted to keep Roxie in his life, which he did.

  “I believe it is my business!” Roxie yelped. The heavy chill of his tone crushed her. “We live together after all! We have been dating for so long! Stop pushing me away, and just let me in for once! Where were you!?” she exclaimed, her nails digging into her palm.

  “I told you it’s none of your business!” he snapped. Roxie looked taken aback. He had said it with such anger and frustration, she was absolutely surprised. He looked away from her and muttered, “I am going outside. I need some air.” Roxie grabbed his hand and he just pulled it away. He opened the slider that showed the beautiful ocean and beach. He stormed out slamming the slider behind him.

  “He had no right to be upset with her, did he? He was the one who was keeping things away from her. Still, she suddenly felt bad. She sighed loudly, before heading to bed.

  Eric wandered down the beach. He didn’t mean to take his frustration out on Roxie, but he just needed somewhere to send it. “What the fuck were you thinking Joey?” he hissed.

  Joey voice rang back. “I was thinking of congratulating my baby for her amazing work,” he cooed. "Didn't help you sent me away either." Eric remembered taking the potion in the gallery bathroom that seemed to keep Joey at bay, at least for a little while.

  “Mr.CuddlePaws? How the fuck would I know that? You know, for someone who is supposed to love Christen, you really like fucking with her head don’t you?” Eric snarled.

  “It’s Mr.SnugglePaws, and how dare you say such a thing! If you were a real friend you would have understood this completely,” Joey scoffed.

  “Real friend!?” Eric exclaimed. “Real friends don’t go taking over their best friend’s body.” he snapped. Joey burst out in laughter at Eric’s comment.

  “No Eric!” Joey shouted back. “She belongs with me, stupid, don’t you get it? Only I can show her love and affection that she needs. She’s my lover. Would you deny lovers the chance to be together?” Eric went silent at that comment. What would he say? What could he say? Absolutely nothing. “Exactly what I thought Eric.”

  Eric felt both dread and regret. He tried calculating repeatedly how to get out of this mess. He really couldn’t. He sighed loudly. He was stuck with Joey. A small whisper inside of him muttered, “How long can you put up with this Eric? Can you stay stable with this going on?” He honestly couldn’t answer. He only had so much potion left to control Joey. He worried about what happened once it was gone.

  A breeze blew in making her comfortable bed feel so cold. Roxie groaned gently, turning to her side, reaching for her purple covers. She couldn’t feel the silk sheets with her hands. She opened her watery eyes and glanced down for them. They weren’t there. She knew she must have kicked them off. Slowly she rose, rubbing her eyes with a soft yawn escaping her lips. It didn’t matter though. She could hardly relax, or even sleep tonight. She just couldn’t get into a deep slumber, no matter how hard she tried.

  Roxie swung her legs to the side of the bed and searched for the floor with her toes. She touched her silk sheets and shook her head. A small frown slipped onto her lips from how cold it felt. Reaching down, the balls of her feet hit the ground. She walked to the open window and took a deep breath as the howling wind blew. The fresh, salty air met her nose. She breathed it in with eyes closed. She found herself waist-deep in thought when her eyes opened. She felt so alone. She looked at the gloomy clouds in the night sky. Her hands gently traced the window frame. She closed the window, resting her forehead against it.

  “You’re making it hard for me…all I want is just a little more emotion. Is that so much to ask for?” she muttered watching him outside in the low light.

  A couple…is that what you could call them? He walked down the bay along the shore. He was looking up with those beautiful sharp green eyes of his, staring at the stars. She found her hand resting against the glass as if reaching for him. The glass was so cold. He must have been freezing. He wouldn’t show it though. His stoic posture wouldn’t dare give it away. She knew him too well, however, to be tricked by his sturdy appearance. She walked to her chair, grabbed his jacket, and headed out the back door before realizing what she was doing.

  He looked so cold as she drew nearer. The closer she got, the colder she ,curiously felt. Her steps grew slower as her body trembled violently. She pulled the jacket closer to her chest, closing her eyes for a moment.

  “Time together is never quite good enough, is it?” his voice startled her making her eyes shoot open. He was glancing over his shoulder. His eyes locked on hers with an intensity that was always there. She felt as though she was suffocating under his gaze. He looked back at the stars while she gasped for words. He seemed annoyed. He wanted to be left alone, but she pushed forth anyway.

  “I thought you looked... well, it seemed cold and... well, here!” She shoved the jacket out to him, her eyes shut tightly. The awkward silence made her wonder why she even bothered. He took it from her while she peeked with one eye. He just casually put it around her shoulders. She stared at him questioningly.

  “I’m used to it.” Of course he was used to it…he was ice. He looked at her again and the intensity this time brought courage rolling into her veins. As he opened his mouth to talk, she beat him to the punch.

  “You know I just want to make you happy and safe! What do I have to say for you to just let me in? I know you’re upset, but you’re only too happy to stand there and look down on me. Maybe it would be better for you to just forget me. All I see is you giving me barely any emotion, and I can’t keep going on…”

  “Do you ever shut up?” he snapped. She felt her eyes sting and feel damp, but she refused to cry, yet. She plowed on under the heavy weight of his disapproval.

  “I never felt more at home than I do with you. But if you don’t feel the same you should just…”

  “Again, I repeat myself…do you ever shut up?” Her eyes widened in shock as she felt herself pulled into his cold arms. Tears rolled down her cheeks. She tried to look up, but couldn’t. He had pulled her so close that she could barely move. “You know I’m no good at that emotional crap.” She bit her lip hard trying to pull herself away. She squirmed trying to get out of his strong arms.

  “You could at least…“

  “Shut up.”

  She growled. He was doing it to piss her off now.

  “We need time,” he went on. She was confused.

  “What the�

  “To make or break this relationship…just give it time.” She stubbornly clawed his arms trying to get free. He let her go, and she fell to the sand. She sat there dumbfounded as he just ran a hand through his black hair. She let what he said sink into her mind like an animal in quicksand.

  “When you’re alone…what are you thinking of?” she demanded.

  He just chuckled, “Wouldn’t you like to know?”

  “Why do you always do this?!” she yelped kicking sand up as she scrambled to her feet. “You’re always jerking around with my feelings! What do I look like…your play thing?!” she screamed. She felt so hurt and frustrated. She was sick of playing this sick, little game of his. She felt her chin get moved up, and was face to face with him. While looking straight into his steel green eyes, shivers rolled down her spine.

  “Do you wish I’d fall in love with you?” he asked. She mused over this interesting question. It seemed she was on autopilot.

  “All the time,” she spoke with care, wistfully looking to the side. After a long moment of silence, she barely glanced at him. He had a surprisingly big smile on his face and a raised eye brow. He moved in. She held her breath as his lips came so close to hers. An inch…now a centimeter…his warm breath tickled her lips, then he let go of her face and stood back.

  “Get some sleep.” He then retreated down the shore. She fell onto her knees and hung her head.

  “Damn you,” was all she could say softly. Her cheeks were on fire, and she was smiling as the tears dripped to the sand. "Why does it have to be like this?" she lamented to the night. After a while the cold air got to her. She collected herself and returned to the warmth of their home.

  Chapter 7

  When Kat got home that night she went straight to her work books, kicking off her heels. This was getting way too weird for her. She was still not able to get over the fact that Eric was talking to himself like he was Joey. Was it something psychological, or was it something much bigger than that? She had heard of strange, otherworldly things like this happening in other places, historically. These cases were always open to argument and skepticism, however. She knew she had to see Eric and get to the bottom of this, before it ate her alive with curiosity.

  She checked the time on her alarm with a heavy sigh. “Too late to go see him now. I will just have to wait until morning,” she decided and got dressed for the night. She would see him tomorrow, whether he wanted to talk to her or not. It didn’t matter to her, not one little bit.

  When Kat awoke, she called Eric and announced she was coming over. He said he wasn’t feeling that well. He said she should talk to him when he felt better. Kat was not deterred by his suggestion. She told him she was on her way and clicked the end call icon before he could object. She ignored his phone calls, driving on her happy little way.

  Eric groaned as he called Kat for the sixth time. She still ignored his call. He didn’t want to talk to her. He got the uneasy feeling she would see through him. She was the only girl he had ever had trouble reading. He wouldn’t confess it to anyone, but sometimes her serious tone could be breathtaking, in a bad way.

  “Are you okay Eric?” Roxie questioned him. She primped getting ready for the day wearing a nice black dress with a furry red jacket over it. Eric was in his sweat pants and muscle shirt, laying on the sofa with a blanket draped over him. He wasn’t lying when he said he wasn’t feeling very good, at all.

  “No, I feel awful,” Eric said placing a hand over his face. When he spoke, the Voodoo book he was reading fell from his hand. He wondered if he really caught a sickness. or if it was Joey draining his energy. He shut his eyes from the pounding inside his head. Roxie leaned over him and gave him a kiss on his brow.

  “You're probably sick because you didn’t take the jacket when I tried to give it to you. Who is laughing now Eric? You really should start listening to me. I am actually pretty wise, Eric. Did I mention I have common sense?” she asked mockingly. Eric rolled his eyes at her. She wanted to come up with a smartass remark but decided not to waste his energy on it.

  “Isn’t there anything you can do to help me out here?” he asked.

  “Well you took the pain-killers and medicine. There isn’t anything else I can really do for you, babe. I will take your spot at the art gallery though,” she shared with him. She stood up straight and went to leave before Eric grabbed her hand.

  “Roxie, I know I don’t say this enough but… thank you,” he said, gripping her hand tighter.

  “What would you do without me?” Roxie asked him in a cocky tone. He sighed in frustration. When he did compliment this woman or tried to say something nice, it always went to her head, or made her fish for more compliments than that just one.

  “Probably lots of things,” he confessed. Roxie glared at him.

  “Yes, how romantic. Thank you for that,” Roxie jeered. She grabbed her black purse and opened the door. “I will be back sometime this evening. Get plenty of rest,” she said before disappearing out the door, shutting it behind her.

  “I wish I could,” he grumbled as he got up.

  “What are you doing?” Joey asked him with a slightly concerned tone.

  “Going to get dressed up; I can’t go into war without my armor. Also I’m going to plan my strategy against Kat. I can’t run aimlessly into battle against her like I can do for Roxie or Christen,” Eric breathed, coughing slightly.

  “Are you calling them stupid?” Joey asked indignantly, not appreciating him insulting Christen's intelligence.

  “No. I am saying they easily fall for charm. This one does not. She doesn’t get swooned or sidetracked by sweet words. I have a challenge on my hands. I have to prepare for it.” Eric made it to his room and decided to get dressed in one of his Italian suits and comb his hair neatly. Kat verses Eric, who would win?

  Kat was there within the hour. She stood outside the door, taking in a giant breath. She would need to observe every little detail. She could do it, but her only concern was that she would forget the observations if overwhelmed. She prepped herself. Once she was ready, she knocked on the door with a hard and firm hit. “Knock, knock.”

  “There she is Eric,” Joey chimed inside his head. “How are you going to deal with her?” he asked. Eric sighed, shrugging as he headed to the door.

  “Take her head-on in a calm way. I can’t think so complicated with her because she will see right through that, but if I deflect all her questions and keep a charming atmosphere, I’ll be fine,” he sighed softly. He reached for the doorknob when Joey added a comment.

  "The word is 'we', Eric. We will be fine."

  "And if she does see through us and figure us out, well then, we are both screwed."

  "... or maybe not,” Joey said cheerily.

  Eric faltered for a moment before shaking what Joey said off. "Shut up, dick." He opened the door with a professional smile. He held his hand out in front of him like a perfect host.

  “Oh please, do come in. Make yourself at home, Kat,” Eric spoke in a soothing and professional tone.

  “So this is what Eric’s side job is. He’s a butler!” Kat joked as she walked into his house. Eric followed her in, closing the front door behind them. She looked around with a casual expression.

  “Kat, what is it you wanted to talk about? I’m sure you didn’t come here just to make light banter,” he said, with a hint of disdain.

  “I was wondering why you were speaking to ‘Joey’ in the bathroom at the gallery before revealing Christen’s artwork,” Kat said, getting straight to the point. There was no beating around the bush when it came to her.

  “I obviously wasn’t ‘speaking’ to him directly.” Eric's voice was smooth as butter, though his blood was nearly at a standstill. Had he really been speaking to Joey that loudly? Did she even hear him talk?

  “Perhaps not, but you are very good at impersonating his voice,” she said as she walked past the sofa, running her fingers over it. She sharply looked at Eric. He nearly lost
all breath. He almost felt like she was seeing right through him. Could she see his soul and therefore see Joey’s? Her eyes scared him.

  “She is rather intimidating for a blondie, isn’t she?” Joey questioned in his mind. His voice also had a slight tone of surprise and intimidation.

  Eric thought, "Yes, she is, but that won’t stop me". He really wanted to mean that as well.

  “What can I say? I miss him sometimes so I think of things he would say when I need advice. What is it you really want to know Kat?” Eric stayed as calm as he could, but Kat’s eyes pierced through his facade. Her lips curled upward.

  “I want you to impersonate him again. Just use that same voice to say one sentence.” In her mind, she had already figured out her diagnosis for Eric; Split Personality Disorder. What she didn't understand was the reasons for the sudden outbursts. Eric stalled for a moment as Joey spoke to him.

  “Let me come out and show her up,” Joey pleaded to Eric. Eric knew better than to do that, though. Joey's voice would be perfectly in line with what she heard, but the context would be completely different. She would easily notice, so he could not risk it.

  “I can’t right now. I have to be in a certain type of stressed ‘mood’ for him to come out,” he explains. “Can I get you anything to drink? Anything to eat?” he asked, trying to be a good host. She glanced at him through the corner of her eye and smiled.

  “Water would be good, if you have any,” she said. Eric walked to the kitchen to get her water and his beer. He glanced into the living room before walking into the kitchen muttering, “I think she bought it.”

  In all actuality, she didn't buy anything. She could also hear his muttering with her sharp hearing. Once he disappeared into the kitchen, she started looking through his book shelf. She established that he was into the old religions of the world, and that art was a given. From some of the eclectic titles she surmised that Eric had some different views then most people. She turned back to the sofa and sat down. A book caught her eye on the ground. She spied the word "Voodouin" in the title. She picked it up with curiosity.